Kobol's Last Gleaming

"Kobol's Last Gleaming" is the two-part first-season finale of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series. In the first part, the human fleet discovers the abandoned planet Kobol, the mythical birthplace of humanity, who left here and founded the Twelve Colonies of Kobol elsewhere in the galaxy. A survey team is stranded there by Cylons while President Laura Roslin convinces Starbuck to disobey orders and retrieve an artifact called the Arrow of Apollo. In the second part, Commander William Adama stages a military coup and places Roslin in Galactica's brig. Starbuck retrieves the Arrow and discovers that Boomer, still on Galactica, is a Cylon. This Boomer destroys the Cylon Basestar orbiting Kobol, returns to Galactica, and shoots Commander Adama; the season ends on a cliffhange

Kobol's Last Gleaming

"Kobol's Last Gleaming" is the two-part first-season finale of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series. In the first part, the human fleet discovers the abandoned planet Kobol, the mythical birthplace of humanity, who left here and founded the Twelve Colonies of Kobol elsewhere in the galaxy. A survey team is stranded there by Cylons while President Laura Roslin convinces Starbuck to disobey orders and retrieve an artifact called the Arrow of Apollo. In the second part, Commander William Adama stages a military coup and places Roslin in Galactica's brig. Starbuck retrieves the Arrow and discovers that Boomer, still on Galactica, is a Cylon. This Boomer destroys the Cylon Basestar orbiting Kobol, returns to Galactica, and shoots Commander Adama; the season ends on a cliffhange