
Kompia or kompyang (Chinese: 光餅; Minbei: guáng-biǎng; Mindong: guŏng-biāng; Hinghwa: gng-biâⁿ; Minnan: kiâm-kong-piáⁿ [鹹光餅]; Okinawan: 光餅 / コンペン クンぺン konpen kunpen; Malay: kompia / roti kompyang; Indonesian: kompia), is a bread product originates from Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province of China. It is popular in Fujian and has spread to other areas including the Ryukyus, Taiwan, and parts of Southeast Asia including the Malaysian towns of Sitiawan, Sibu, Ayer Tawar, Sarikei, Bintangor and other places where the dominant Chinese community is of Fuzhou (alternatively spelled Foochow or Hokchiu) ancestry (where it is sometimes nicknamed "Foochow bagels").


Kompia or kompyang (Chinese: 光餅; Minbei: guáng-biǎng; Mindong: guŏng-biāng; Hinghwa: gng-biâⁿ; Minnan: kiâm-kong-piáⁿ [鹹光餅]; Okinawan: 光餅 / コンペン クンぺン konpen kunpen; Malay: kompia / roti kompyang; Indonesian: kompia), is a bread product originates from Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province of China. It is popular in Fujian and has spread to other areas including the Ryukyus, Taiwan, and parts of Southeast Asia including the Malaysian towns of Sitiawan, Sibu, Ayer Tawar, Sarikei, Bintangor and other places where the dominant Chinese community is of Fuzhou (alternatively spelled Foochow or Hokchiu) ancestry (where it is sometimes nicknamed "Foochow bagels").