Korean shamanism

Korean shamanism or Korean folk religion, also known as Shinism or Sinism (토속신앙 Tosok Shinang) or Shindo (신도; Hanja: 神道, "way of the spirits/gods"), is the polytheistic and animistic ethnic religion of Korea which dates back to prehistory and consists of the worship of gods (신 shin) and ancestors (조상 josang) as well as nature spirits. When referring specifically to the shamanic practice (무속, Hanja: 巫俗; musog or musok), the term Muism (Hangul:무속신앙; musok shinang) is used. The mythology of Korean shamanism is orally recited during gut rituals. In Jeju, these are called bon-puri.

Korean shamanism

Korean shamanism or Korean folk religion, also known as Shinism or Sinism (토속신앙 Tosok Shinang) or Shindo (신도; Hanja: 神道, "way of the spirits/gods"), is the polytheistic and animistic ethnic religion of Korea which dates back to prehistory and consists of the worship of gods (신 shin) and ancestors (조상 josang) as well as nature spirits. When referring specifically to the shamanic practice (무속, Hanja: 巫俗; musog or musok), the term Muism (Hangul:무속신앙; musok shinang) is used. The mythology of Korean shamanism is orally recited during gut rituals. In Jeju, these are called bon-puri.