Kravtsov family (Don Cossacks)

Kravtsov (Russian: Кравцов, this family was a noble family Don Cossacks of a Polish origin. Owned the property in near Antratsyt. Anton Chekhov's first visit to the steppe was made in 1876 with the Kravtzoff family whose son - Pyotr Krawtzoff he tutored during his student days alone in Taganrog. During the Civil war in Russia a lot of members including old people, women's and kids was killed by Bolsheviks and in 1920s by Soviets. Today most part of family lives in city of Melbourn in Australia, several countries of Europe and United States.

Kravtsov family (Don Cossacks)

Kravtsov (Russian: Кравцов, this family was a noble family Don Cossacks of a Polish origin. Owned the property in near Antratsyt. Anton Chekhov's first visit to the steppe was made in 1876 with the Kravtzoff family whose son - Pyotr Krawtzoff he tutored during his student days alone in Taganrog. During the Civil war in Russia a lot of members including old people, women's and kids was killed by Bolsheviks and in 1920s by Soviets. Today most part of family lives in city of Melbourn in Australia, several countries of Europe and United States.