Kungälv school shooting

The Kungälv school shooting took place on 4 March 1961 in Kungälvs läroverk, in central Kungälv in Västra Götaland, Sweden. The school is currently known as . It was the first reported school shooting in Sweden and one of the earliest in Europe. Seven youngsters were wounded by 15 bullets fired by the perpetrator and one died from his wounds. The memory of the murdered Per Håkan Altvall is kept alive in Kungälv via a stipend "awarded annually to one or a number of students known for good friendship and social support to students".

Kungälv school shooting

The Kungälv school shooting took place on 4 March 1961 in Kungälvs läroverk, in central Kungälv in Västra Götaland, Sweden. The school is currently known as . It was the first reported school shooting in Sweden and one of the earliest in Europe. Seven youngsters were wounded by 15 bullets fired by the perpetrator and one died from his wounds. The memory of the murdered Per Håkan Altvall is kept alive in Kungälv via a stipend "awarded annually to one or a number of students known for good friendship and social support to students".