
Kyöpelinvuori (Finnish from kyöpeli = obsolete word for ghost and vuori = mountain), in Finnish mythology, is the place which dead women haunt. It is rumoured that virgins who die young gather there after their death at the start of their afterlife. Similar stories of paradise mountains for pious virgins have also been known in Catholic Central Europe and Russia. It corresponds to Blockula (in modern Swedish Blåkulla) of Swedish mythology. According to the National Land Survey of Finland, there is a total number of 32 Kyöpelinvuori hills in Finland.


Kyöpelinvuori (Finnish from kyöpeli = obsolete word for ghost and vuori = mountain), in Finnish mythology, is the place which dead women haunt. It is rumoured that virgins who die young gather there after their death at the start of their afterlife. Similar stories of paradise mountains for pious virgins have also been known in Catholic Central Europe and Russia. It corresponds to Blockula (in modern Swedish Blåkulla) of Swedish mythology. According to the National Land Survey of Finland, there is a total number of 32 Kyöpelinvuori hills in Finland.