LGBT history in Bangladesh

Homosexuality has a very short history in Bangladesh. Bangladesh was under British rule till 1947 and was known as ‘East Bengal’; the Partition of India made East Bengal the East Pakistan – a Muslim majority nation with moderate Islamic valued people. Culture of Bangladesh is influenced by both Bengali and Islamic ideologies where homosexuality is absent, or present with homophobia and ignorance/silence about it. Bengalis have always been conservative and taboo-minded regarding any kind of romance and sexuality. Sexuality along with romance is repressed in Bangladeshi society.

LGBT history in Bangladesh

Homosexuality has a very short history in Bangladesh. Bangladesh was under British rule till 1947 and was known as ‘East Bengal’; the Partition of India made East Bengal the East Pakistan – a Muslim majority nation with moderate Islamic valued people. Culture of Bangladesh is influenced by both Bengali and Islamic ideologies where homosexuality is absent, or present with homophobia and ignorance/silence about it. Bengalis have always been conservative and taboo-minded regarding any kind of romance and sexuality. Sexuality along with romance is repressed in Bangladeshi society.