La nuit des horloges

La nuit des horloges (English: The Night of the Clocks or Night Clocks) is a 2007 French fantasy film directed by Jean Rollin. The film stars the French writer and former pornographic actress Ovidie, with others who have appeared in many of Rollin's early works - Françoise Blanchard, Dominique, Nathalie Perrey and Jean-Loup Philippe. His penultimate film, it marks forty years of Rollin's career and pays homage to many of his earlier film works and serves as a thank you to his many loyal fans.

La nuit des horloges

La nuit des horloges (English: The Night of the Clocks or Night Clocks) is a 2007 French fantasy film directed by Jean Rollin. The film stars the French writer and former pornographic actress Ovidie, with others who have appeared in many of Rollin's early works - Françoise Blanchard, Dominique, Nathalie Perrey and Jean-Loup Philippe. His penultimate film, it marks forty years of Rollin's career and pays homage to many of his earlier film works and serves as a thank you to his many loyal fans.