Lajos Áprily

Lajos Áprily (birth name Lajos Jékely; 14 November 1887 – 6 August 1967) was a Hungarian poet and translator who won the 1954 Attila József Prize for his contributions to Hungarian literature. Áprily was born 14 November 1887 in Brassó, Austria-Hungary (now the city of Brașov in Romania) and died 6 August 1967 in Budapest; he was the father of (1913-1982), also a poet and translator.

Lajos Áprily

Lajos Áprily (birth name Lajos Jékely; 14 November 1887 – 6 August 1967) was a Hungarian poet and translator who won the 1954 Attila József Prize for his contributions to Hungarian literature. Áprily was born 14 November 1887 in Brassó, Austria-Hungary (now the city of Brașov in Romania) and died 6 August 1967 in Budapest; he was the father of (1913-1982), also a poet and translator.