Lake Upemba

Lake Upemba is a lake in Bukama, Haut-Lomami District, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It, and nearby Lake Kisale, is surrounded by the Upemba Depression in Upemba National Park. The nearest town is , and the nearest hospital is located four hours away in . The floating islands in the lake, such , are also the site of an informal refugee settlement that resulted from the fighting between Mai-Mai rebels and government troops since 2006.

Lake Upemba

Lake Upemba is a lake in Bukama, Haut-Lomami District, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It, and nearby Lake Kisale, is surrounded by the Upemba Depression in Upemba National Park. The nearest town is , and the nearest hospital is located four hours away in . The floating islands in the lake, such , are also the site of an informal refugee settlement that resulted from the fighting between Mai-Mai rebels and government troops since 2006.