Landing Ship, Tank (Hospital)

Landing Ship, Tank (Hospital) (LSTH) was a conversion of a LST designed to act as a hospital ship, but because they retained armament were not officially designated as such. The Tank Landing Ship (LST) was a vessel designed to beach itself and unload equipment, vehicles, tanks, and troops onto an enemy beach. The general idea of an LSTH would be to bring troops to shore, but the convenience of a ship beached ashore proved to be an inviting harbor for the sick and injured, who could simply walk aboard.

Landing Ship, Tank (Hospital)

Landing Ship, Tank (Hospital) (LSTH) was a conversion of a LST designed to act as a hospital ship, but because they retained armament were not officially designated as such. The Tank Landing Ship (LST) was a vessel designed to beach itself and unload equipment, vehicles, tanks, and troops onto an enemy beach. The general idea of an LSTH would be to bring troops to shore, but the convenience of a ship beached ashore proved to be an inviting harbor for the sick and injured, who could simply walk aboard.