Larger urban zone

The larger urban zone (LUZ), or functional urban area (FUA), is a measure of the population and expanse of metropolitan areas in Europe. It consists of a city and its commuting zone. The definition was introduced in 2004 by Eurostat, the statistical agency of the European Union (EU), in agreement with the national statistics offices in the member states. Eurostat data is provided on cities in the EU, its candidate countries and EFTA countries. Several cities were excluded by definition from the 2004 list of LUZs on technical, definitional grounds, such as the coincidence of the metropolitan area with the urban zone.

Larger urban zone

The larger urban zone (LUZ), or functional urban area (FUA), is a measure of the population and expanse of metropolitan areas in Europe. It consists of a city and its commuting zone. The definition was introduced in 2004 by Eurostat, the statistical agency of the European Union (EU), in agreement with the national statistics offices in the member states. Eurostat data is provided on cities in the EU, its candidate countries and EFTA countries. Several cities were excluded by definition from the 2004 list of LUZs on technical, definitional grounds, such as the coincidence of the metropolitan area with the urban zone.