Lars Löfgren

Lars Löfgren is a Swedish cybernetician. He was awarded the Wiener Gold Medal by the American Society for Cybernetics in 2008. Lars Löfgren was involved in extending the logical and linguistic approaches to various problems raised by early cybernetics. His work helpeddevelop a more consistent conceptual base for cybernetics through a holistic approach to second order cybernetics. He was one of the internationally renown cyberneticians invited by Heinz von Förster to the Biological Computer Laboratory, but he did most of his work while professor at Lund University.

Lars Löfgren

Lars Löfgren is a Swedish cybernetician. He was awarded the Wiener Gold Medal by the American Society for Cybernetics in 2008. Lars Löfgren was involved in extending the logical and linguistic approaches to various problems raised by early cybernetics. His work helpeddevelop a more consistent conceptual base for cybernetics through a holistic approach to second order cybernetics. He was one of the internationally renown cyberneticians invited by Heinz von Förster to the Biological Computer Laboratory, but he did most of his work while professor at Lund University.