Lave Knud Broch

Lave Knud Broch is a Danish politician and Vice President of the , EUDemocrats and substitute member to the European Parliament for the People's Movement against the EU. He chairs the Danish UN Association’s Peace and Conflict resolution committee and serves on the executive board. He is best known in the Danish public for arguing that Denmark should not participate in military actions without a UN mandate.He strongly supports Danish participation in the UN's efforts to promote peace including establishing a permanent UN peace force.

Lave Knud Broch

Lave Knud Broch is a Danish politician and Vice President of the , EUDemocrats and substitute member to the European Parliament for the People's Movement against the EU. He chairs the Danish UN Association’s Peace and Conflict resolution committee and serves on the executive board. He is best known in the Danish public for arguing that Denmark should not participate in military actions without a UN mandate.He strongly supports Danish participation in the UN's efforts to promote peace including establishing a permanent UN peace force.