Lazzaretto of Ancona

The Lazzaretto of Ancona, also called the Mole Vanvitelliana, is a pentagonal 18th-century building built on an artificial island as a quarantine station for the port town of Ancona, Italy. The island is now connected to the mainland by three bridges. The building was commissioned by Pope Clement XII, designed by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli, and built from 1733−1743. It originally had only one link to the mainland. A well was located in the central Neoclassical tempietto dedicated to Saint Roch, invoked against the plague, in the center of the courtyard. It was built to house possibly-infected travellers and goods arriving in the port.

Lazzaretto of Ancona

The Lazzaretto of Ancona, also called the Mole Vanvitelliana, is a pentagonal 18th-century building built on an artificial island as a quarantine station for the port town of Ancona, Italy. The island is now connected to the mainland by three bridges. The building was commissioned by Pope Clement XII, designed by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli, and built from 1733−1743. It originally had only one link to the mainland. A well was located in the central Neoclassical tempietto dedicated to Saint Roch, invoked against the plague, in the center of the courtyard. It was built to house possibly-infected travellers and goods arriving in the port.