Leader of the Christian Democratic Union

The Leader of the Christian Democratic Union (Vorsitzender der Christlich Demokratischen Union) is the most senior political figure within the Christian Democratic Union of Germany. Since 22 January 2021, the office has been held by Armin Laschet, who succeeded Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. The Leader of the Christian Democratic Union Party is supported by a General Secretary who, since 2018, has been Paul Ziemiak. Furthermore, the leader is supported by five deputy leaders: these currently are Silvia Breher, Volker Bouffier, Julia Klöckner, Jens Spahn, and Thomas Strobl.

Leader of the Christian Democratic Union

The Leader of the Christian Democratic Union (Vorsitzender der Christlich Demokratischen Union) is the most senior political figure within the Christian Democratic Union of Germany. Since 22 January 2021, the office has been held by Armin Laschet, who succeeded Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. The Leader of the Christian Democratic Union Party is supported by a General Secretary who, since 2018, has been Paul Ziemiak. Furthermore, the leader is supported by five deputy leaders: these currently are Silvia Breher, Volker Bouffier, Julia Klöckner, Jens Spahn, and Thomas Strobl.