Leading Ladies (film)

Leading Ladies is a 2010 dance film directed by Daniel Beam and Erika Randall Beahm and starring Benji Schwimmer, Melanie LaPatin, Laurel Vail, Shannon Lea Smith, and Nicole Dionne. THe film features an overbearing ballroom stage mother and her two daughters who must redefine their roles in life, and on the dance floor. The film also features dance scenes with finalists from season 3 and season 4 of the American version of So You Think You Can Dance: Katee Shean, Kherington Payne, Courtney Galiano, and Sara Von Gillern.

Leading Ladies (film)

Leading Ladies is a 2010 dance film directed by Daniel Beam and Erika Randall Beahm and starring Benji Schwimmer, Melanie LaPatin, Laurel Vail, Shannon Lea Smith, and Nicole Dionne. THe film features an overbearing ballroom stage mother and her two daughters who must redefine their roles in life, and on the dance floor. The film also features dance scenes with finalists from season 3 and season 4 of the American version of So You Think You Can Dance: Katee Shean, Kherington Payne, Courtney Galiano, and Sara Von Gillern.