League of Empire Loyalists

The League of Empire Loyalists (LEL) was a British pressure group (also called a "ginger group" in Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations), established in 1954. Its ostensible purpose was to stop the dissolution of the British Empire. The League was a small group of current or former members of the Conservative Party led by Arthur K. Chesterton, a former leading figure in the BUF, who had served under Sir Oswald Mosley. The League found support from some Conservative Party members, although it was disliked very much by the leadership.

League of Empire Loyalists

The League of Empire Loyalists (LEL) was a British pressure group (also called a "ginger group" in Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations), established in 1954. Its ostensible purpose was to stop the dissolution of the British Empire. The League was a small group of current or former members of the Conservative Party led by Arthur K. Chesterton, a former leading figure in the BUF, who had served under Sir Oswald Mosley. The League found support from some Conservative Party members, although it was disliked very much by the leadership.