Lee Chong Wei career statistics

This is a list of the main career statistics of Malaysian professional badminton player, Lee Chong Wei. To date, Lee has won a total of sixty-nine BWF singles titles including a record 42 BWF Super Series singles titles, and a record 4 BWF Super Series Finals. He is the first men's singles player to have won every BWF Super Series Premier title. Lee is also a triple Silver Medalist in men's singles, having reached the finals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 2012 London Olympics and 2016 Rio Olympics. He is also a quadruple Silver Medalist at the BWF World Championships. However, he was stripped of his achievement as the runner-up at the 2014 BWF World Championships due to doping violations. Following that matter, he served an 8-month suspension from international competitions.

Lee Chong Wei career statistics

This is a list of the main career statistics of Malaysian professional badminton player, Lee Chong Wei. To date, Lee has won a total of sixty-nine BWF singles titles including a record 42 BWF Super Series singles titles, and a record 4 BWF Super Series Finals. He is the first men's singles player to have won every BWF Super Series Premier title. Lee is also a triple Silver Medalist in men's singles, having reached the finals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 2012 London Olympics and 2016 Rio Olympics. He is also a quadruple Silver Medalist at the BWF World Championships. However, he was stripped of his achievement as the runner-up at the 2014 BWF World Championships due to doping violations. Following that matter, he served an 8-month suspension from international competitions.