
Legae (Latin legae Greek Λῆγαι) was a people on the shores of the Caspian Sea that mythology places between Albania and the country of the Amazons, Scythian roots. Its name survives today in the village of the Lezgins who live in southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan. Strabo referring to Theophanes of Mytilene, Pompey's companion in his Caucasian campaign (I century BC), that "between the Amazons and Albanians live the Gelae and Legae - the Scythians"


Legae (Latin legae Greek Λῆγαι) was a people on the shores of the Caspian Sea that mythology places between Albania and the country of the Amazons, Scythian roots. Its name survives today in the village of the Lezgins who live in southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan. Strabo referring to Theophanes of Mytilene, Pompey's companion in his Caucasian campaign (I century BC), that "between the Amazons and Albanians live the Gelae and Legae - the Scythians"