Liceo scientifico Filippo Masci

Liceo scientifico Filippo Masci is an Italian state secondary school in Chieti, Abruzzo, offering a standard liceo scientifico curriculum to students typically aged from 14 to 19 years old. The main seat of the school, which housed the local Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Artisanship from 1863 and afterwards another high school , is under restoration due to damage from the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, so all the classrooms have been temporary relocated in other buildings, such as a wing of Chieti's seminary, which had been rented to release overcrowding.

Liceo scientifico Filippo Masci

Liceo scientifico Filippo Masci is an Italian state secondary school in Chieti, Abruzzo, offering a standard liceo scientifico curriculum to students typically aged from 14 to 19 years old. The main seat of the school, which housed the local Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Artisanship from 1863 and afterwards another high school , is under restoration due to damage from the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, so all the classrooms have been temporary relocated in other buildings, such as a wing of Chieti's seminary, which had been rented to release overcrowding.