
LightDM is a free and open-source X display manager that aims to be lightweight, fast, extensible and multi-desktop. It can use various front-ends to draw User Interface, also called Greeters. It also supports Wayland. LightDM is the default display manager for Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Mythbuntu since 11.10 release, for Lubuntu since 12.04 release until 16.10, for Kubuntu beginning with 12.10 until 15.04 for Linux Mint and Antergos.


LightDM is a free and open-source X display manager that aims to be lightweight, fast, extensible and multi-desktop. It can use various front-ends to draw User Interface, also called Greeters. It also supports Wayland. LightDM is the default display manager for Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Mythbuntu since 11.10 release, for Lubuntu since 12.04 release until 16.10, for Kubuntu beginning with 12.10 until 15.04 for Linux Mint and Antergos.