Likymnios of Chios

Likymnios of Chios (Greek: Λικύμνιος, Latin: Licymnius) was an ancient Greek dithyrambic poet from Chios, probably born in the fourth century BC although this is not certain. Aristotle mentions him in his "Rhetoric", saying that Likymnios' works were as good in written form as spoken or better. He is also mentioned by Chaeremon of Alexandria. One of his poems, a prayer for health, was preserved by Sextus Empiricus, although the attribution is uncertain and it might be by another poet. Partii says that he wrote a poem about the conquest of Sardis and Eustathius of Epiphania mentions him in a poem as Λικύμνιον Βουπραδιέα ἀοιδόν.

Likymnios of Chios

Likymnios of Chios (Greek: Λικύμνιος, Latin: Licymnius) was an ancient Greek dithyrambic poet from Chios, probably born in the fourth century BC although this is not certain. Aristotle mentions him in his "Rhetoric", saying that Likymnios' works were as good in written form as spoken or better. He is also mentioned by Chaeremon of Alexandria. One of his poems, a prayer for health, was preserved by Sextus Empiricus, although the attribution is uncertain and it might be by another poet. Partii says that he wrote a poem about the conquest of Sardis and Eustathius of Epiphania mentions him in a poem as Λικύμνιον Βουπραδιέα ἀοιδόν.