Lily Eberwein

Lily Eberwein Abdullah (11 July 1900 – 1980) was a Sarawakian nationalist and a women's right activist. She was politically active in the anti-cession movement of Sarawak, a nationalist movement in the 1940s attempted to retrieve Sarawak's independence from takeover by Britain. This movement had helped in politicising local people besides cultivating national spirit in people of Sarawak.

Lily Eberwein

Lily Eberwein Abdullah (11 July 1900 – 1980) was a Sarawakian nationalist and a women's right activist. She was politically active in the anti-cession movement of Sarawak, a nationalist movement in the 1940s attempted to retrieve Sarawak's independence from takeover by Britain. This movement had helped in politicising local people besides cultivating national spirit in people of Sarawak.