Linus Suryadi AG

Linus Suryadi Agustinus, commonly known Linus Suryadi AG or Linus Suryadi AGN was born in Sleman, Indonesia on 3 March 1951 and died in Yogyakarta on 30 July 1999 at the age of 48. Linus Suryadi studied at IKIP Sanata Dharma and began publishing poems and essays while still in his late teens. He studied English in college but left before completion, and worked on various newspapers and magazines in Yogyakarta. According to Harry Aveling, Suryadi's prose-lyric Pengakuan Pariyem (Pariyem's Confession) attracted considerable attention for its bold use of Javanese words and phrases. In Pengakuan Pariyem, Suryadi describes the life of a female servant of a noble family which is limited by the traditions of the court town of Yogyakarta. Even though this prose poem was hailed as a penetrating ana

Linus Suryadi AG

Linus Suryadi Agustinus, commonly known Linus Suryadi AG or Linus Suryadi AGN was born in Sleman, Indonesia on 3 March 1951 and died in Yogyakarta on 30 July 1999 at the age of 48. Linus Suryadi studied at IKIP Sanata Dharma and began publishing poems and essays while still in his late teens. He studied English in college but left before completion, and worked on various newspapers and magazines in Yogyakarta. According to Harry Aveling, Suryadi's prose-lyric Pengakuan Pariyem (Pariyem's Confession) attracted considerable attention for its bold use of Javanese words and phrases. In Pengakuan Pariyem, Suryadi describes the life of a female servant of a noble family which is limited by the traditions of the court town of Yogyakarta. Even though this prose poem was hailed as a penetrating ana