
Liocracy was a Canadian comedy television series produced by Creative Atlantic Communications Ltd. airing on The Comedy Network in 2001 and 2002. The show, a spoof of biographical documentary series such as Biography or Life and Times, starred Leslie Nielsen as host Terrence Brynne McKennie. Each episode presented a Biography-type profile of a fictional person loosely based on a real-life personality. Produced in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the show was created by Ian Johnston and Peter Hays, two former journalists for the Halifax Daily News.


Liocracy was a Canadian comedy television series produced by Creative Atlantic Communications Ltd. airing on The Comedy Network in 2001 and 2002. The show, a spoof of biographical documentary series such as Biography or Life and Times, starred Leslie Nielsen as host Terrence Brynne McKennie. Each episode presented a Biography-type profile of a fictional person loosely based on a real-life personality. Produced in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the show was created by Ian Johnston and Peter Hays, two former journalists for the Halifax Daily News.