List of Monogram Pictures and Allied Artists Pictures films

This is a list of feature films originally released and/or distributed by Monogram Pictures and Allied Artists Pictures Corporation. Most of Monogram/Allied Artists' post-August 17, 1946 library is currently owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment, while 187 pre-August 18, 1946 Monogram films are owned by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and select post-1938 Monogram films are owned by Paramount Pictures.

List of Monogram Pictures and Allied Artists Pictures films

This is a list of feature films originally released and/or distributed by Monogram Pictures and Allied Artists Pictures Corporation. Most of Monogram/Allied Artists' post-August 17, 1946 library is currently owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment, while 187 pre-August 18, 1946 Monogram films are owned by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and select post-1938 Monogram films are owned by Paramount Pictures.