List of Yu-Gi-Oh! chapters

The Yu-Gi-Oh! manga is written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi. It was originally serialized in Japan in Weekly Shōnen Jump from Shueisha from 1996's issue 42 to 2004. The plot follows the story of a boy named Yugi Mutou who is given the ancient Millennium Puzzle, and awakes an alter-ego within his body, who helps him with any problem he is having using various games.

List of Yu-Gi-Oh! chapters

The Yu-Gi-Oh! manga is written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi. It was originally serialized in Japan in Weekly Shōnen Jump from Shueisha from 1996's issue 42 to 2004. The plot follows the story of a boy named Yugi Mutou who is given the ancient Millennium Puzzle, and awakes an alter-ego within his body, who helps him with any problem he is having using various games.