List of band members in David Coverdale's bands

David Coverdale is best known for his band Whitesnake. Whitesnake emerged when Coverdale wanted to name his backing band on tour, before becoming a device for him to promote himself with though it remained his backing band and not a band in its own right. Later Coverdale would return to solo work and would also work with Jimmy Page on a project. Aside from Coverdale himself, there was a number of other overlaps in membership of these various groups. To construct an accurate chronology of his backing band therefore, the line-ups for David Coverdale Band, Whitesnake and Coverdale-Page have been included.

List of band members in David Coverdale's bands

David Coverdale is best known for his band Whitesnake. Whitesnake emerged when Coverdale wanted to name his backing band on tour, before becoming a device for him to promote himself with though it remained his backing band and not a band in its own right. Later Coverdale would return to solo work and would also work with Jimmy Page on a project. Aside from Coverdale himself, there was a number of other overlaps in membership of these various groups. To construct an accurate chronology of his backing band therefore, the line-ups for David Coverdale Band, Whitesnake and Coverdale-Page have been included.