List of books in computational geometry

This is a list of books in computational geometry.There are two major, largely nonoverlapping categories: * Combinatorial computational geometry, which deals with collections of discrete objects or defined in discrete terms: points, lines, polygons, polytopes, etc., and algorithms of discrete/combinatorial character are used * Numerical computational geometry, also known as geometric modeling and computer-aided geometric design (CAGD), which deals with modelling of shapes of real-life objects in terms of curves and surfaces with algebraic representation.

List of books in computational geometry

This is a list of books in computational geometry.There are two major, largely nonoverlapping categories: * Combinatorial computational geometry, which deals with collections of discrete objects or defined in discrete terms: points, lines, polygons, polytopes, etc., and algorithms of discrete/combinatorial character are used * Numerical computational geometry, also known as geometric modeling and computer-aided geometric design (CAGD), which deals with modelling of shapes of real-life objects in terms of curves and surfaces with algebraic representation.