List of compositions by André Previn

André Previn has composed film scores (including many songs), jazz pieces and contemporary classical music. His earliest compositions known at least by name/type are student works from the mid-1940s (a clarinet sonata, a string quartet, a rhapsody for violin and orchestra and some art songs). They were written at the same time as he did his first work for the movies (1946) and his first jazz recordings (1945). He composed the music for the film musical It's Always Fair Weather (1955), and music for five new songs written with Alan Jay Lerner for the film Paint Your Wagon (1969).

List of compositions by André Previn

André Previn has composed film scores (including many songs), jazz pieces and contemporary classical music. His earliest compositions known at least by name/type are student works from the mid-1940s (a clarinet sonata, a string quartet, a rhapsody for violin and orchestra and some art songs). They were written at the same time as he did his first work for the movies (1946) and his first jazz recordings (1945). He composed the music for the film musical It's Always Fair Weather (1955), and music for five new songs written with Alan Jay Lerner for the film Paint Your Wagon (1969).