List of countries and territories by border/area ratio

This is a list of countries and territories by border/area ratio. For each country or territory, the total length of the land borders and the total surface area are listed, as well as the ratio between these two parameters. A high border/area ratio means that the country or territory has a long border compared to its surface area. A border/area ratio of zero indicates that the country has no land borders. Countries or territories that are connected only by bridges or other man-made causeways are not considered to have land borders.

List of countries and territories by border/area ratio

This is a list of countries and territories by border/area ratio. For each country or territory, the total length of the land borders and the total surface area are listed, as well as the ratio between these two parameters. A high border/area ratio means that the country or territory has a long border compared to its surface area. A border/area ratio of zero indicates that the country has no land borders. Countries or territories that are connected only by bridges or other man-made causeways are not considered to have land borders.