List of deep water fish of the Red Sea

Red Sea bathydemersal species include: * Acropoma japonicum , , Acropomatidae * Ariosoma mauritianum , Blunt-tooth conger, Congridae * , Bothidae * , Percophidae * , Champsodontidae * Cynoglossus acutirostris , Sharpnose tonguesole, Cynoglossidae * Dysomma fuscoventralis , Synaphobranchidae * Facciolella karreri , Nettastomatidae * , Bythitidae * Harpadon erythraeus , Synodontidae * Heptranchias perlo , Sharpnose sevengill shark, Hexanchidae * Hippocampus kelloggi , Great seahorse, Syngnathidae * Iago omanensis , Bigeye houndshark, Triakidae * Mustelus manazo , Starspotted smooth-hound, Triakidae * , Ophidiidae * , Tetrarogidae * , Scorpaenidae * , Gobiidae * , Nemipteridae * , Moridae * , Gobiidae * Rhynchoconger trewavasae , Congridae * Saurenchelys meteori , Netta

List of deep water fish of the Red Sea

Red Sea bathydemersal species include: * Acropoma japonicum , , Acropomatidae * Ariosoma mauritianum , Blunt-tooth conger, Congridae * , Bothidae * , Percophidae * , Champsodontidae * Cynoglossus acutirostris , Sharpnose tonguesole, Cynoglossidae * Dysomma fuscoventralis , Synaphobranchidae * Facciolella karreri , Nettastomatidae * , Bythitidae * Harpadon erythraeus , Synodontidae * Heptranchias perlo , Sharpnose sevengill shark, Hexanchidae * Hippocampus kelloggi , Great seahorse, Syngnathidae * Iago omanensis , Bigeye houndshark, Triakidae * Mustelus manazo , Starspotted smooth-hound, Triakidae * , Ophidiidae * , Tetrarogidae * , Scorpaenidae * , Gobiidae * , Nemipteridae * , Moridae * , Gobiidae * Rhynchoconger trewavasae , Congridae * Saurenchelys meteori , Netta