List of legislatures in South Asia

In South Asia, five countries have parliamentary governments, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Of these, three are federal republics (India, Nepal and Pakistan), one is a unitary republic (Bangladesh) and one is a constitutional monarchy (Bhutan). Three South Asian countries, including Afghanistan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka, have either presidential (Afghanistan and Maldives) or semi-presidential (Sri Lanka) governments which are accountable to elected legislatures; and all three are unitary states.

List of legislatures in South Asia

In South Asia, five countries have parliamentary governments, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Of these, three are federal republics (India, Nepal and Pakistan), one is a unitary republic (Bangladesh) and one is a constitutional monarchy (Bhutan). Three South Asian countries, including Afghanistan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka, have either presidential (Afghanistan and Maldives) or semi-presidential (Sri Lanka) governments which are accountable to elected legislatures; and all three are unitary states.