List of loanwords in Indonesian

The Indonesian language has absorbed many loanwords from other languages, Sanskrit, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese, Dutch, English, and other Austronesian languages. Indonesian differs from the form of Malay used in Malaysia in a number of aspects, primarily due to the different influences both languages experienced and also due to the fact that the majority of Indonesians speak another language as their mother tongue. Indonesian functions as the lingua franca for speakers of 700 various languages across the archipelago.

List of loanwords in Indonesian

The Indonesian language has absorbed many loanwords from other languages, Sanskrit, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese, Dutch, English, and other Austronesian languages. Indonesian differs from the form of Malay used in Malaysia in a number of aspects, primarily due to the different influences both languages experienced and also due to the fact that the majority of Indonesians speak another language as their mother tongue. Indonesian functions as the lingua franca for speakers of 700 various languages across the archipelago.