List of people from Charlottesville, Virginia

This is a list of people from Charlottesville, Virginia, or from areas nearby to Charlottesville, who were either born, lived or presently live in the city. Since the city's early formation, it has been the home of numerous notable individuals, from the historic figures of Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe, as well as author William Faulkner. In the present day, Charlottesville has been the home of movie star Sam Shepard and musician Dave Matthews.

List of people from Charlottesville, Virginia

This is a list of people from Charlottesville, Virginia, or from areas nearby to Charlottesville, who were either born, lived or presently live in the city. Since the city's early formation, it has been the home of numerous notable individuals, from the historic figures of Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe, as well as author William Faulkner. In the present day, Charlottesville has been the home of movie star Sam Shepard and musician Dave Matthews.