List of place names of Czech origin in the United States

Several dozen place names in the United States have names of Czech origin, most a legacy of Czech immigration to the United States. Others were named after Americans of Czech ancestry, such as the Bohemian explorer Augustine Herman and Chicago's mayor Anton Cermak. Many places which were settled by Czech immigrants named their towns after the cities they had immigrated from in what was then Bohemia and Moravia, regions that are now located in the Czech Republic.

List of place names of Czech origin in the United States

Several dozen place names in the United States have names of Czech origin, most a legacy of Czech immigration to the United States. Others were named after Americans of Czech ancestry, such as the Bohemian explorer Augustine Herman and Chicago's mayor Anton Cermak. Many places which were settled by Czech immigrants named their towns after the cities they had immigrated from in what was then Bohemia and Moravia, regions that are now located in the Czech Republic.