List of places of worship in London, 1804

This is a list of places of worship in London, 1804. It is based on a list in A View of London, or, The Stranger's Guide through the British Metropolis (1804), headed "An Impartial List of the Principal Churches, Chapels, and Meeting-Houses". The choice lay in fact among Protestant places of worship. Some of the information was not quite current, ministers having died. The Guide excluded Quaker meeting-houses. "Stranger churches", Roman Catholic chapels, and synagogues were listed in The Picture of London (1807).

List of places of worship in London, 1804

This is a list of places of worship in London, 1804. It is based on a list in A View of London, or, The Stranger's Guide through the British Metropolis (1804), headed "An Impartial List of the Principal Churches, Chapels, and Meeting-Houses". The choice lay in fact among Protestant places of worship. Some of the information was not quite current, ministers having died. The Guide excluded Quaker meeting-houses. "Stranger churches", Roman Catholic chapels, and synagogues were listed in The Picture of London (1807).