List of songs recorded by AC/DC

The following is a list of songs known to have been recorded by AC/DC. Since 1974 they have released 16 studio albums (14 available worldwide and 2 released only in Australia), 2 soundtrack albums, 4 live albums, 11 video albums, and 2 box set albums. Although a large number of AC/DC singles have been released, the band always refused to release any greatest hits type packages; Who Made Who (which served as the soundtrack to Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive), Iron Man 2, and the band's various live recordings are as close as the group have come to such a compilation. AC/DC albums are available to download from Verizon, but for several years the band refused to release their albums on iTunes, as iTunes normally allows downloading of individual tracks; AC/DC publicly stated, "Our ... reason

List of songs recorded by AC/DC

The following is a list of songs known to have been recorded by AC/DC. Since 1974 they have released 16 studio albums (14 available worldwide and 2 released only in Australia), 2 soundtrack albums, 4 live albums, 11 video albums, and 2 box set albums. Although a large number of AC/DC singles have been released, the band always refused to release any greatest hits type packages; Who Made Who (which served as the soundtrack to Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive), Iron Man 2, and the band's various live recordings are as close as the group have come to such a compilation. AC/DC albums are available to download from Verizon, but for several years the band refused to release their albums on iTunes, as iTunes normally allows downloading of individual tracks; AC/DC publicly stated, "Our ... reason