Lists of habeas petitions filed on behalf of War on Terror detainees

The United States has published multiple lists of the habeas corpus petitions filed on behalf of detainees apprehended in the course of its War on Terror.It was the position of the Bush Presidency that none of these detainees were entitled to have writs of habeas corpus considered by the US Justice system.But some jurists differed.And several habeas corpus cases have been considered by the United States Supreme Court, or are scheduled to be considered by the Supreme Court.(Main article: Guantanamo captives' habeas corpus petitions)

Lists of habeas petitions filed on behalf of War on Terror detainees

The United States has published multiple lists of the habeas corpus petitions filed on behalf of detainees apprehended in the course of its War on Terror.It was the position of the Bush Presidency that none of these detainees were entitled to have writs of habeas corpus considered by the US Justice system.But some jurists differed.And several habeas corpus cases have been considered by the United States Supreme Court, or are scheduled to be considered by the Supreme Court.(Main article: Guantanamo captives' habeas corpus petitions)