Location Efficient Mortgage

Location Efficient Mortgage (or LEM) is a mortgage available to people who buy a home in locations where they don't need to rely on automobiles as much or at all for transportation. Location efficient mortgages allow people to buy more expensive homes than they normally would be able by factoring in the money they'll save on transportation costs. As of April 2006, LEM's are available in Seattle, Washington, Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles, California and San Francisco, California.

Location Efficient Mortgage

Location Efficient Mortgage (or LEM) is a mortgage available to people who buy a home in locations where they don't need to rely on automobiles as much or at all for transportation. Location efficient mortgages allow people to buy more expensive homes than they normally would be able by factoring in the money they'll save on transportation costs. As of April 2006, LEM's are available in Seattle, Washington, Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles, California and San Francisco, California.