Logics for computability

Logics for computability are formulations of logic whichcapture some aspect of computability as a basic notion. This usually involves a mixof special logical connectives as well as semantics which explains how the logic is to be interpreted in a computational way. With the rise of many other kinds of logic, such as modal logic and linear logic, and novel semantic models, such as game semantics, logics for computability have been formulated in several contexts. Here we mention two.

Logics for computability

Logics for computability are formulations of logic whichcapture some aspect of computability as a basic notion. This usually involves a mixof special logical connectives as well as semantics which explains how the logic is to be interpreted in a computational way. With the rise of many other kinds of logic, such as modal logic and linear logic, and novel semantic models, such as game semantics, logics for computability have been formulated in several contexts. Here we mention two.