Lounge On The Farm

Lounge On The Farm was a music festival held annually at Merton Farm, Canterbury, Kent, which attracted thousands of visitors each year. Although there was a vast increase in the capacity of the event, as well as the amount and quality of the performing acts, organizers insisted that they kept the festival ‘non-conformist’, promoting bands and produce from Kent. The festival was held for 9 consecutive years between 2006-2015, before the festival was ‘shelved’ due to the site it had been held at, Merton Farm, no longer being viable, and has yet to make a return.

Lounge On The Farm

Lounge On The Farm was a music festival held annually at Merton Farm, Canterbury, Kent, which attracted thousands of visitors each year. Although there was a vast increase in the capacity of the event, as well as the amount and quality of the performing acts, organizers insisted that they kept the festival ‘non-conformist’, promoting bands and produce from Kent. The festival was held for 9 consecutive years between 2006-2015, before the festival was ‘shelved’ due to the site it had been held at, Merton Farm, no longer being viable, and has yet to make a return.