Lucibel Crater

Lucibel Crater is a band from Brooklyn, New York. Their style is different from song to song but blends live electronic music, alternative rock, and indie rock. Lucibel Crater recorded their EP Miracles in 2007. In 2008 they released their first full-length CD, The Family Album. It was mixed by Bryce Goggin. The Family Album refers to and explores the theme of American Life. Coloff's influences on the album include Tom Cora and Cormac McCarthy. Coloff said about the album,

Lucibel Crater

Lucibel Crater is a band from Brooklyn, New York. Their style is different from song to song but blends live electronic music, alternative rock, and indie rock. Lucibel Crater recorded their EP Miracles in 2007. In 2008 they released their first full-length CD, The Family Album. It was mixed by Bryce Goggin. The Family Album refers to and explores the theme of American Life. Coloff's influences on the album include Tom Cora and Cormac McCarthy. Coloff said about the album,