Lucus Pisaurensis

Sacred grove of ancient Pisaureum, Lucus Pisaurensis is a sacerdotal lucus lying just outside the coastal comune of Pesaro, Italy between the Colle della Salute (Hill of Salus) and the Collina (Hillside of the Springs of Beatitude) in Santa Veneranda. Santa Veneranda is a hamlet in the Pesaro e Urbino Province of Marche, Italy, a pre-Imperium Romanum region of the Latin Sabini, Umbrian and Estrucan tribes.

Lucus Pisaurensis

Sacred grove of ancient Pisaureum, Lucus Pisaurensis is a sacerdotal lucus lying just outside the coastal comune of Pesaro, Italy between the Colle della Salute (Hill of Salus) and the Collina (Hillside of the Springs of Beatitude) in Santa Veneranda. Santa Veneranda is a hamlet in the Pesaro e Urbino Province of Marche, Italy, a pre-Imperium Romanum region of the Latin Sabini, Umbrian and Estrucan tribes.