Ludwig Czech

Ludwig Czech (February 14, 1870 – August 20, 1942) was a German-speaking Jewish Czech member of the German Social Democratic Workers' Party in the Czechoslovak Republic who actively participated in the Czechoslovak politics of the so-called First Republic. He was a Minister of Social Care (1929–1934). Minister of Public Affairs (1934–1935), Minister of Public Health and Physical Training (1935–1938).

Ludwig Czech

Ludwig Czech (February 14, 1870 – August 20, 1942) was a German-speaking Jewish Czech member of the German Social Democratic Workers' Party in the Czechoslovak Republic who actively participated in the Czechoslovak politics of the so-called First Republic. He was a Minister of Social Care (1929–1934). Minister of Public Affairs (1934–1935), Minister of Public Health and Physical Training (1935–1938).