Luis de Lacy

Brigadier-General Luis Roberto de Lacy, 11 January 1775 – 5 July 1817, was a Spanish professional soldier of Irish descent, who served in the Spanish and French Imperial armies. He played a prominent role in the 1808 to 1814 Spanish War of Independence and held a number of senior military positions but was executed in 1817 for leading a failed revolt against the government of Ferdinand VII. In 1820, the Cortes or Spanish Parliament, declared him a hero of Spanish democracy and installed a plaque to his memory in the Palacio de las Cortes, Madrid, where it remains.

Luis de Lacy

Brigadier-General Luis Roberto de Lacy, 11 January 1775 – 5 July 1817, was a Spanish professional soldier of Irish descent, who served in the Spanish and French Imperial armies. He played a prominent role in the 1808 to 1814 Spanish War of Independence and held a number of senior military positions but was executed in 1817 for leading a failed revolt against the government of Ferdinand VII. In 1820, the Cortes or Spanish Parliament, declared him a hero of Spanish democracy and installed a plaque to his memory in the Palacio de las Cortes, Madrid, where it remains.