Męskie Granie

Męskie Granie (Polish: Masculine Playing) is a concert tour, initiated by Żywiec Brewery. It is organized each year in the summer in major Polish cities, with the addition of the town Żywiec. The first edition was held in 2010. The aim of the tour is to present the creative side of Polish music scene and to encourage the audience to listen to musical experiments, such as jazz musicians playing with rappers. Major Polish artists participate in the tour.

Męskie Granie

Męskie Granie (Polish: Masculine Playing) is a concert tour, initiated by Żywiec Brewery. It is organized each year in the summer in major Polish cities, with the addition of the town Żywiec. The first edition was held in 2010. The aim of the tour is to present the creative side of Polish music scene and to encourage the audience to listen to musical experiments, such as jazz musicians playing with rappers. Major Polish artists participate in the tour.