MS GNV Aries

MS GNV Aries was built as MS Norsea for North Sea Ferries as part of their response to the need for larger vessels in the mid to late 1980s. The 1974 ships MV Norland and MV Norstar were proving to be very popular, and were running at capacity. Therefore, North Sea Ferries designed their "3rd Generation" overnight ferry. The two parent companies within North Sea Ferries placed their orders in two separate locations. P&O placed theirs at Govan Shipbuilders Ltd. on the River Clyde, and Nedlloyd placed their order at Nippon Kokkan KK Ltd. (Now JFE Holdings) in Yokohama, Japan.

MS GNV Aries

MS GNV Aries was built as MS Norsea for North Sea Ferries as part of their response to the need for larger vessels in the mid to late 1980s. The 1974 ships MV Norland and MV Norstar were proving to be very popular, and were running at capacity. Therefore, North Sea Ferries designed their "3rd Generation" overnight ferry. The two parent companies within North Sea Ferries placed their orders in two separate locations. P&O placed theirs at Govan Shipbuilders Ltd. on the River Clyde, and Nedlloyd placed their order at Nippon Kokkan KK Ltd. (Now JFE Holdings) in Yokohama, Japan.