
Mabote is a constituency and community council in the Maseru Municipality located in the Berea District of Lesotho. The population in 2006 was 38,047. Marathoner Tsepo Mathibelle is a native of Mabote. Although (ha)Mabote is located towards the west, the districts of Berea are highly territorial and divide themselves mainly the West side, naleli (NI) and qualabata (QlA)and the East side, khubetsoana (KTA) KTA is the countries leading murder capital with more victims reported missing then dead KTA grew in reputation as the land of the dead.


Mabote is a constituency and community council in the Maseru Municipality located in the Berea District of Lesotho. The population in 2006 was 38,047. Marathoner Tsepo Mathibelle is a native of Mabote. Although (ha)Mabote is located towards the west, the districts of Berea are highly territorial and divide themselves mainly the West side, naleli (NI) and qualabata (QlA)and the East side, khubetsoana (KTA) KTA is the countries leading murder capital with more victims reported missing then dead KTA grew in reputation as the land of the dead.